
How to Login to your Signage Console

Use your Amazon credentials to manage your devices

To login to your Signage Console:

  1. Go to console.signage.amazon.com
  2. Select the Login with Amazon button. An Amazon-hosted sign-in screen will appear.
  3. Enter your user name and password for your Amazon or Amazon Business account.
    Note: You do not need to use the account used to purchase the devices.
    Tip: The first account used to set up devices will be the device owner, this account can invite others to their team to manage devices
  4. The first time you login the Signage Console, you'll see a screen asking for your consent to share your name and email with the Signage Console. This will not be shared outside of Amazon.
  5. If logging in for the first time, you'll be prompted to set up your first device. Otherwise, you'll be directed to your dashboard to view devices.
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